After a crazy week of sleep insomnia, doctor visits, planned events, work and managing our 2-year-old, my wife and I were ready for rest. This week we found it. Now back on my feet, somewhat well re-energized physically and mentally, I began this third week looking forward to finding rest in God. I started this month, hoping to map out and keep track of what I put into my mind. The point is to balance my “zone out time” with my “equipping time”. And to be honest, no great revelation came this week, nothing exceptional happened either, except I actually saw balance. Research shows that after repeating something for 21 days, a habit is often formed. I caught myself several times this week, turning off the TV when what I was watching finished… That may seem logical for most of you, but I had previously been in the habit of lingering. Before I knew it another show had started and I was sucked into another 1-2 hours of mindless zoning out. But this week I saw less of that. With this “extra time” I had found, I was able to start and finish a book called Fruitful Church (highly recommended) and my wife and I also started reading 2 Psalms (chapters) a day, separately, whenever we had space, and then talked about it in the evening. That along with that, plus other readings, I found myself pausing more during the week and reflecting on things. I have definitely enjoyed SAMEtember this week and been refreshed by the spiritual discipline I have put on myself. WEEK two results of SAMEtember: Mon 14th - Mon 21st. TV Time - 6 hours 10 minutes Reading Time - 7 hours 55 minutes I want to encourage you to try, even for a week, to keep track of how you spend your time. “Let us strip off every weight that slows us down
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